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to "Angel On Probation."
The Genre is "Suprnatural Thiller," which is the genre the makers of "Constantine" chose to describe their
movie. Think of the movies "Traffic," "Constantine" and the TV series "Touched by an Angel." You will find elements
of each in "Angel on Probation." There are drug dealers as in "Traffic," as in "Angel on Probation." Doc and Angel Grace fall
in love but cannot do anything about it because Grace refuses to become a Fallen Angel (think Elizabeth Taylor in "Cat On
a Hot Tin Roof.") I loved the demons and assorted creatures from Hell in "Constantine." As in "Touched by an Angel," Grace
has these neat tricks that she does including time travel, switching between dimensions and plucking swords out of the air.
At the stairwell, two dragons, barely squeezing themselves through the doorway opening
are blowing long plumes of smoke and fire. They move toward Doc,
Laz and Grace. Hope and the other guardian Angels board their steeds and begin fighting the dragons, stabbing with their spears,
spraying various colored beams of lights at the dragons that scream in pain. Grace grabs Doc and Laz and pushes them over the edge of the building where
Doc and Laz grab hold of a steel ladder that they use to climb down to a balcony. Grace follows them. As they look up from
the balcony, the dragons snarl, stick their heads out briefly over the edge of the building, and pull
back. Grace ducks as the dragons snarl and keep
sticking their heads over the edge blowing plumes of fire and pulling back.
On top of the building the Angels distract the dragons from the edge by blasting at them with powerful beams alternating
with blasts of fire from their spears. On their flying steeds, the Angels swoop down to within a few feet of the dragons,
blast away, and fly off. The dragons and the Angels continue to battle. A couple of the Angels and their steeds are caught
in the fierce dragon fires and burn up. The dragons are finally down, roaring in pain. They die and disappear in clouds of
dust. Grace helps Doc and Laz climb back up to the roof.
Log line: Dr. Gary Brennan is joined by Angel Grace as he tries to convince America's leaders that demand reduction and
treatment, not supply reduction, are the solutions to the drug problem. Grace uses mind-control Angel dust to sell Doc's "Sober
Forever" Program at the same time she battles the forces of evil who need drug addicts as part of their plan to create chaos
on earth.
The Genre is "Suprnatural Thiller," which is the genre the makers of "Constantine" have consen. Think of the
movies "Traffic," "Constantine" and the TV series "Touched by an Angel." You will find elements of each in "Angel on Probation."
There are drug dealers as in "Traffic," as in "Angel on Probation." Doc and Angel Grace fall in love but cannot do anything
about it because Grace refuses to become a Fallen Angel (think Elizabeth Taylor in "Cat On a Hot Tin Roof.") I loved the demons
and assorted creatures from Hell in "Constantine." As in "Touched by an Angel," Grace has these neat tricks that she does
including time travel, switching between dimensions and plucking swords out of the air.
Synopsis: Th book "Angel
on Probation: is 107,974 words and a 200 page script of the same name has been adapted from the book. The script could
ultimately run 300 pages and could thus be a mini-series, or a sit-com (think "Touched by An Angel") or collapsed down
to a 90-120 minute movie.
Psychologist Doctor Gary Brennan's wife died of a drug overdose. This started Doc
on a crusade to save America's drug addicts before they kill themselves, go to jail or go crazy. The solution seemed
obvious to Doc. The billions spent to stop the supply of drugs had resulted in more and cheaper drugs than ever.
Evidence was overwhelming that each dollar spent on demand reduction, through treatment, prevention and focusing on sobering
up the addicts, i.e., reducing demand, was many times more effective in dropping drug consumption than all attempts to control
Doc has spent years making the rounds of his elected leaders trying to convince them that sobering up
addicts saves lives and money and sending addicts to prison, where they can often get all the drugs they want and end up hardened
criminals. Unfortunately, Senator Steel, who Doc tries hardest to convince, is actually a Devil himself working to turn
the human race into addicted lost souls.
Dr. Gary Brennan (Doc) is joined by Angel Grace as he tries to convince
America's leaders that demand reduction and treatment, not supply reduction, are the solutions to the drug problem.
Grace uses mind-control Angel dust to sell Doc's Sober Forever Program to the world. At the same time she and Doc battle the
forces of evil who need drug addicts and their diseased souls as part of their plan to create chaos on earth.
is Angel Grace on Probation? She made a mistake 350 years ago that resulted in her losing her wings. Will she get her
wings back? One of the first things Grace does on earth is to call up her old Friend Laz, or Lazarus. Is this the same
Lazarus who was raised from the dead 2,000 years ago?
Grace knows it's wrong but she can't help having a hissy
fit any time Angel Hope gets too close to Doc. Angel Hope saves Doc's life several times. What does she save him from?
Laz's help, and in the course of battling dragons, various forces of Evil and Beelzebub, Doc and Grace proceed to implement
Doc's Clean and Sober Forever Program. Grace and Doc have a strong attraction for each other but Grace refuses to become a
fallen Angel and resists temptation. Does Doc ever find love?
This book (and movie if that happens) would appeal
to lovers of little known facts such as the zombification of grasshoppers (it really happens). The book and movie
would appeal to anyone interested in psychotherapy because Doc does a lot of it in the book. For the answers to the above
questions, go to the book.
Resume: I am a clinical psychologist with many years of experience. I have
written five scripts (none yet made into movies) and the synopses of these scripts can be found at other location on this
website, click on links to find them. You'll find the synopsis of "Street Girls" on this website. To see a ten
minute trailer for the "Street Girls" movie (the complete movie not yet made) go to